- Paul Rybski, Amy Larson,
Harini Veeraraghavan, Monica LaPoint, and Maria Gini
"Performance Evaluation of a Multi-Robot Search & Retrieval
System: Experiences with MinDART",
Int'l Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 52(3-4):363–387, 2008.
This is the most comprehensive paper on the MinDART
project. It is a revision of an older
Technical Report 03-011, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, University of Minnesota, MN, February 2003.
The paper describes the MinDART hardware, and present results of
experiments with the MinDART robots.
The first set of experiments tested efficacy of localization
capabilities, effects of team size and of target distribution.
The second set tested the efficacy of simple communication.
We found that more complex control strategies do not necessarily
improve task completion times, but can reduce variance in
performance measures.
- Paul E. Rybski, Amy Larson, Harini Veeraraghavan, Monica
LaPoint, and Maria Gini,
Communication strategies in Multi-Robot Search
and Retrieval: Experiences with MinDART", DARS 2004,
Toulouse, France, June 2004.
The paper explores the effects of different simple
communications strategies on performance of robot teams
doing foraging.
- Paul
Rybski, Amy Larson, Anne Schoolcraft, Sarah Osentoski, and
Maria Gini
"Evaluation of Control Strategies for Multi-Robot
Search and Retrieval",
in Int'l Conf on Intelligent Autonomous Systems
(IAS-7), pp 281-288, Marina del Rey, CA, March
The paper analyzes how the team's performance is affected
by the target distribution (uniform or clumped), the size of the
team (1, 2, or 4 robots), and whether search with explicit
localization improves task completion time over random search.
Paul Rybski, Amy Larson, Michael Lindahl, and Maria Gini "Performance
Evaluation of Multiple Robots in a Search and Retrieval Task",
in Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Manufacturing:
State of the Art and State of Practice, Albuquerque, NM,
August 1998.
This is earlier work. We show how the performance is
affected by the number of robots, the distribution of the
targets the robots are searching for, and the complexity of the